#Live1 “Post Covid-19 China : Digital Healthcare on Steroïds”

April 8, 2020

As half of humanity is undergoing an unparalleled sanitary crisis, China was the first hit country, and is the first to start to recover.

Join us for a Unique Conversation “Post Covid-19 China : Digital Healthcare on Steroïds” with three industry leaders and entrepreneurs

  • A Decade of China’s Healthcare Digitization Acceleration
  • Healthcare road to Platformization: Tencent Trusted Doctors
  • Post-Covid-19 and the birth of a “New Digital Health Order”
  • Conclusion: 5 trends shaping the future of Healthcare inChina…and beyond?

With :

Sébastien GAUDIN, Co-Founder & CEO The Care Voice, StartupCare

Martin SHEN, PRESIDENT Tencent Trusted Doctors

Xavier VEYRY, CEO AXA China

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